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26 Lowercase Letters

This video demonstrates the correct formation of the 26 lower case letters. We focus on the correct starting position and ask the children to verbally articulate the direction of the correct formation. In this video we explicitly instruct our students to start their letters at the top or in some cases in the middle and use continuous strokes. Some letters will require them to lift up their pencils and we instruct them on when to do so. Our video encompasses all three sensory learning styles; Auditory, Verbally and Kinaesthetic. This will enable the child to store it into their long-term memory and form letters correctly, automatically and fluently.  Please note that if your child is pressing too lightly, it can be a sign of weak muscles or they may have an inappropriate pencil grip. Encourage your child to write with a variety of materials, i.e. Whiteboard marker, crayons, textas, a stick, their finger.


Please find below a link to a great resource which shows the correct starting position, it gives direction and can be written on multiple times. This will build fluency, automatic recall and will make the writing process much easier when they begin school. It is important to get your child to write on the overwrite chart regularly to improve their automaticity.

Alphabet Formation Instruction Sheet

26 Lowercase Letters

26 Lowercase Letters

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